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In the earlier post, we learned how to read harmonics buy charts. In this post, we will see how to read harmonics sell chart.

Harmonics sell charts are just opposite to harmonics buy charts. Here we

Sell at D point with a Stop-Loss of X and our target is the difference between D and X point.

Let us validate the same in some of the examples.

Jindal Steel Sell activated at 163
Jindal Steel: Updated chart: Sold @ 163 SL 166.5 Low made 158.6
Reliance: Sell @ 1605
Reliance: Updated chart, Sold @ 1605-1610 SL 1620 Low done 1595 on the same day and made low of 1510 in next 2 days.

Therefore the basic principle remains the same in both harmonics buy or sell charts. This setup is only useful when followed with proper risk management.

Hope you learned some useful information from this post.

Happy Learning.

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